Fraction, Decimal, Percentage

Each lesson contains a file for the lesson and a linked review session. The notes cover both parts and give objectives, key issues etc. Each line in the table represents a ‘page’ in the flash file.

If you use Chrome as your browser then these interactive files might not work (you are instead asked if you want to Keep or Discard the files), then Discard and go to the link here and follow the instructions to enable the relevant plugin. Mac and Windows instructions are both there: scroll down. You only have to do this once. You will need relevant permission to do this on the computer.

The files are ideal for use on an IWB or for use by pupils either at school or at home – but unfortunately will not work on iPads or iPhones.

Teacher Notes are not yet in place

Theme – titles may be different in review file Lesson Review




Fractions of a square
Making fractions
Equivalent fractions
F1 F1r F1
Dice fractions on a line
Your own dice fractions
Dice fractions of a number
Comparing two dice fractions
F2 F2r F2
Equivalent fractions and the fraction wall
Combining fractions
F3 F3r F3
Converting decimals to fractions 1
Converting decimals to fractions 2
F4 F4r F4
Starting from fractions
Starting from decimals
Starting from percentages
Fractions of a quantity
Percentages of a quantity
F5 F5r  F5
The fraction wall
Fractions in rectangles
Converting fractions to decimals
 F6 F6r F6
Addition and subtraction of fractions
Fractions in rectangles
 F7 F7r  F7
Looking at numbers
Converting fractions to decimals
Fractions of a number
 F8 F8r  F8
The equivalence of fractions, decimals and percentages
Calculating percentages
 F9 F9r  F9
The lowest common denominator
Adding and subtracting fractions
Multiplying fractions
Dividing a whole number by a fraction
Dividing fractions
 F10 F10r  F10
Percentage calculations
Percentage scales
Money questions
 F11 F11r  F11
Fractions and recurring decimals
Recurring decimals to fractions
 F12 F12r  F12