Supporting subject knowledge
These have been found useful by beginning teachers in training and also by teachers trained in other subjects. Each one is different with different ways to explain definitions and content. Some provide animations and opportunities to investigate for yourself.
- Mathigon– super site, still under development but offereing great interface to learn/revise your maths. Well worth watching the overview.
- Math Open References– super American site (unfortunately with adverts, so look before you click things at tome, on right and side), linked to the US curriculum but still really good to use. Useful subject indexand some nice explorers (e.g. here), a lot of construction animations (e.g. here) and printables (e.g. here).
- Mathematics glossary(via NCETM) – only covers up to KS3.
- Coolmath dictionary– American site which contains other things as well. Has a geometry and trigonometryreference area too.
- Maths is fun– super American site with lots of uses, including Index by Year and Subject, and an Illustrated Maths Dictionary(some Americanisms) and some content not relevant, some missing. Has some nice interactives and animations (including some in flash – which you may not be able to run). Note there is a Hide Ads at top right.
- Maths Dictionary for kids– super Australian site, with interactives (uses Flash), dictionary and charts. Only covers up to KS3 with lots for primary topics as well.