Category: Blog

2023 Digits Problem

The 4 digits of 2023 can be used to make numbers. You decide what to allow. Here we allow the four...

Census 2021

Census Day in the UK is Sunday 21 March 2021. The image above provides 3 population pyramids for...

The Bird Box

An ideal activity for January, early February for KS2/3: adapted, with permission, from Activity...

6 Square Challenge

Everything you need for this activity including presentation media of problem and solutions,...

2021 is a Special Year

2021 is going to be a special year. In the last 100 years these have been the other special years:...

Baby Adult Ratio

Baby and adult skeletons drawn to the same height. See how a baby’s head is much bigger, in...

Ada Lovelace Day 2020

Ada Lovelace the first computer programmer is celebrated on the second Tuesday in October as...


Lesson where you are given four inputs and two operations (multiply and add or subtract) to create...

Dice Games

Interactive excel activity that simulates four games of rolling two dice. Originally part of the...

SS3 Dissecting A Square

Super activity from the original Standards Unit Improving Learning in Mathematics but now supplied...


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