Category: KS2/3

2023 Digits Problem

The 4 digits of 2023 can be used to make numbers. You decide what to allow. Here we allow the four...

The Bird Box

An ideal activity for January, early February for KS2/3: adapted, with permission, from Activity...


Plenty of material here to support work on circles including links helpful sites for definitions,...

Four 4s

A classic problem from the 19th century that can used as an introduction to priority of operations...


Frogs – a pdf file that gives background, how to solve the frogs problem, how to link...

Fractions in Flipcharts

The only file you need to show any fraction properly on an ActivInspire flipchart. Drag this...

Five Maths Videos

Charles and Ray Eames produced 5 excellent maths videos as well as other videos that are still...

Fraction Operations

GeoDraw – Jamtec (Stoke) Ltd, any Geoboard, real or virtual, or dotty paper can be used to...

Tessellating Pentagons

These are the only 15 known so far, the last discovered in 2015. Explanation here. Picture source....


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