It is essential that you know what mathematics needs to be taught, how best to teach it and how it might have changed since you were at school. Key Stage 3 document Key Stage 4 document
Key Stage 3 document
It is important to be aware of the section Working Mathematically on pages 4 and 5. Note the purpose of study, aims, ICT, spoken language and Attainment targets on pages 2 and 3. Content is arranged into :
- Number (p5)
- Algebra (p6)
- Ratio, proportion and rates of change (p7)
- Geometry and measures (p8)
- Probability (p9)
- Statistics (p9)
Key Stage 4 document
The same introduction is in place as for KS3. Content too, found as here:
- Number (p7)
- Algebra (p7)
- Ratio, proportion and rates of change (p8)
- Geometry and measures (p8)
- Probability (p9)
- Statistics (p9)
NCETM and the Maths Programme of Study
The NCETM, National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics, is a government funded body that contains many essential and useful resources for teaching maths. You have to register to get best use of it. Highly recommended. Things have changed since you learnt maths, these resources below will begin to help you come to terms with this.
- resource tool – shows what is to be taught at KS3 with exemplifications, teaching ideas and videos for teachers
- glossary – meanings of mathematical words
- progression maps for KS3 – show a possible teaching content plan for years 7, 8 and 9 in word and pdf formats
- guidance on marking and feedback – maintaining a correct balance
- teaching for mastery – questions, tasks and activities to support assessment in KS3
- Secondary Mathematics Teaching for Mastery – Some themes and key principles
- Secondary Mastery – some great professional development materials